Victoria’s Secret Disney Princesses

Take a love for Disney Princesses and mix that with a nice dose of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show! 
That is exactly the result that came from the mind of Fashion Illustrator Guillermo Meraz! Check out the looks these Disney Princesses would be rocking down the catwalk.

Snow White













Make sure to check out more by him HERE and HERE!

Garden of Fantasy Flora

You can’t have a proper fantasy world without some fantastic fantasy flora to go with it!
From the chomping teeth of the Pirahna Plants in Mario to the thrashing branches of the Whomping Willow in Harry Potter, AvasFlowers will make sure you know what you are up against with their incredible infograph called The Garden of Flora. Included is an astonishing 80 entries complete with pictures and descriptions. Check it out below and heck, maybe you’ll find the perfect fantasy bouquet just in time for Valentines Day!

Hello~ Mr. Kit Kat!

Everything can have a human form!
Personifying things is a fun and creative past time for many artist. Pokemon, video game systems, and now even Kit Kat bars! Artist Cioccolatodorima aka ROSEL-D has created this impressive set of personified Kit Kat bars called “Mr. Kit Kat”. Although I’m personally a huge fan of the actual sake and wasabi flavors those personified Dark, Mint, and Matcha Mr. Kit Kats are looking pretty delicious too!

Kit Kat Original

Kit Kat White

Kit Kat Dark

Kit Kat Orange

Kit Kat Pumpkin Pudding

Kit Kat Cheesecake

Kit Kat Blueberry Cheesecake

Kit Kat Strawberry Cheesecake

Kit Kat Wasabi

Kit Kat Strawberry

Kit Kat Mint

Kit Kat Cookies and Cream

Kit Kat Sake

Kit Kat Matcha

Like what you see? Be sure to check out more of Cioccolatodorima’s work HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE!