Disney Benders

Some artists are just full of amazing ideas.
In fact, artist cartooncookie is back at it again with the mash-ups! This time featuring Disney characters in the world of Avatar: The Last Air Bender and The Legend of Korra. Check out this incredible set then head on over to cartooncookie‘s other pages to see more awesome artwork HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE!

Snow White and the Seven Earth Benders

Megara, Master of Throwing Daggers

Air Bender Pocahontas

Water Bender Ariel

Fire Bender Esmeralda

Swamp Bender Tiana

Jessica Rabbit as Asami Sato

Rapunzel of the Ancient Sun

Kiyoshi Warrior Muan

Princess Aurora of the Northern Water Tribe

Blood Bender Ursula

Earth Queen Yzma

Jafar, Head of the Dai Li

Fire Bender Jasmin

Earth Bender Kristoph

Water Bender Elsa

Fire Bender Anna

Water Bender Moana

Belle of the Mystical Library

Disney Order of the White Lotus

Earth Bender Cinderella

Freedom Fighter Merida

Water Bender Ariel with Prince Eric of the Water Tribe

Flynn Rider, Li Shang, and Kida = Team Fire Ferrets

Evil Queen Blood Bender

Fire Lord Malificent

Avatar Kida

Tea Spirits are back!

Sometimes there is just too much to share in one post.
It can get overwhelming! These Tea Spirits by L.A. artist Heather Penn are just too good to not have more of them shared. Don’t forget, you can buy prints of these HERE if you are interested or see more of her art HEREHERE, and HERE!

Gold Peony White

Imperial Pearl


Gold Peony Twisted Leaf

Bed Time Blend 

Taiping Houkui

Osmanthus Black

Silk Oolong

“Understeeped” Oolong


Tea Spirit

Tea Spirit

Tea Spirit

Arya Pearl Darjeeling

Kirin-Ish with Pear


Mountain Grape Oolong

Lapsang Souchong

Rose Chai

Game of Pokemon

Season 7 of Game of Thrones is almost here!
To hold you over until then you can browse this incredible set created by artist Kaleb Raleigh. This creative set is of Pokemon inspired by the Game of Thrones series. Does the art look familiar? That’s because I’ve featured Kaleb here before when this amazing Mass Effect Pokemon set was made! Be sure to check out more of Kaleb‘s work HERE!

House Stark

House Lannister

House Targaryen

House Baratheon

House Greyjoy

House Arryn

House Tyrell

House Tully

House Frey

House Bolton

House Martell

The Night’s Watch

House Forrester

The White Walkers