Scary Potter

There is no doubt about it, Harry Potter has been a sensational hit with people of all ages.
Regardless of if you read the books or watched the movies (or both!) the series has some incredibly dark moments. Artist Dylan Pierpont has created a spectacular set of Harry Potter themed fanart giving the series a far darker feel. He calls it “Scary Potter”. Check them out below and don’t forget to see more of his work HERE!

Scary Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Scary Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Scary Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Scary Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Scary Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Scary Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Scary Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Skulls of the Villains

Artist Travis Durden is back at it again with the surreal fan art!
This time, instead of Star Wars as Greek Statues the French artist has created this impressive set called “Skulls of the Villains” which features characters from Terminator to Dracula!







Horror Princesses

There is a lot of Disney Princess inspired art out there. 
I mean A LOT, from shoes to benders you can bet there is some form of reimaged Disney princess art of it. As much as we love those, artist Kate Maxwell had another idea! To take the stars of horror movies and give them the magical Disney princess treatment! The results? FANTASTIC! Check them out below and be sure to see more of Kate’s work HERE!

Princess Pinhead (Hellraiser)

Princess Predator (Predator)

Princess Pennywise (It)

Princess Lo Pan (Big Trouble in Little China)

Princess Leather Face (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)

Princess Freddie Kruger (Nightmare on Elm Street)

Princess Carrie (Carrie)

Princess Samara (The Ring)

Princess Regan (The Exorcist)

Sailor Witches

Sailor Moon has been around for decades and you better believe that the fandom is still going strong! Artist Lana Jay even created this adorable Sailor Moon set of fan art depicting the popular magical girls as mondern day witches. Check it out below and be sure to check out more of her art work HERE!