Fashionable Senshi

Sailor Moon was one of the first shows I fell in love with as a little girl.
Honestly, I’m pleasantly surprised that love for the series is still around. Why? Because artists like Rachel Ho create lovely sets of fan art like this! These sailor scouts are looking fashionable and fantastic! You can find more of Rachel’s art HERE, HERE, and HERE!

Sailor Witches

Sailor Moon has been around for decades and you better believe that the fandom is still going strong! Artist Lana Jay even created this adorable Sailor Moon set of fan art depicting the popular magical girls as mondern day witches. Check it out below and be sure to check out more of her art work HERE!

More Pokemon Gijinka

With my affinity for gijinka you know I couldn’t help but feature Tamtamdi again!
For those of you who have somehow forgotten or are new to this blog Tamtamdi‘s incredible pokemon gijinka collection was featured here before. With a collection this good how could I not share more of my favorites! So here are another 25 of my favorites from the collection. Be sure to show Tamtamdi some love over HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE!

The Hundred Acre Boys

Gijinka (personifying anything that isn’t human) is a popular concept.
In fact, artist ROSEL-D (aka cioccolatodorima) is quiet good at it. Just check out his Mr.KitKat series after this blog! This time, ROSEL-D has taken the cast of Winnie the Pooh and personified them into a group of adorable men. I’d love to see a group cosplay these. You can find more of this artist’s work HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE!

Winnie the Pooh





Pokemon Gijinka

Those of you who follow my blog know that I really enjoy showing off various gijinka.
From the DnD Eeveelutions to the Mr. KitKat series, gijinka are always a lot of fun since each creation will be different from artist to artist even if the subject remains the same.  Artist Tamtamdi has an ever growing set of pokemon gijinka that are not only incredibly creative but also absolutly gorgeous! This collection proves that gijinka doesn’t have to be only sexy ladies to be popular. Check out a few of my favorites from the collection below and be sure to see more of Tamtamdi‘s work HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE!

Pokemon Go Anniversary!

Can you believe it?!
Tomorrow makes 1 full year of Pokemon Go having been unleashed on fan and although the hype has died down our love for the leaders of Mystic, Valor, and Instinct will live on in our hearts. Here are 23 awesome pieces of Candela, Blanche, and Spark fan art to celebrate.


2) satsuinohado


4) 5-ish

5) 90o

6) neoartcore

7) neoartcore

8) neoartcore

9) myotishi

10) monorirogue

11) merkymerx

12) laovaan

13) raddittz

14) evil-usagi

15) evil-usagi

16) evil-usagi

17) ayyasap

18) hatsuraikun

19) suyohara

20) sangrde

21) asml30

22) tatouji

23) sakimichan

Game of Pokemon

Season 7 of Game of Thrones is almost here!
To hold you over until then you can browse this incredible set created by artist Kaleb Raleigh. This creative set is of Pokemon inspired by the Game of Thrones series. Does the art look familiar? That’s because I’ve featured Kaleb here before when this amazing Mass Effect Pokemon set was made! Be sure to check out more of Kaleb‘s work HERE!

House Stark

House Lannister

House Targaryen

House Baratheon

House Greyjoy

House Arryn

House Tyrell

House Tully

House Frey

House Bolton

House Martell

The Night’s Watch

House Forrester

The White Walkers

Australian Pokemon

People have been creating their own kinds of Pokemon since the start of the sensation decades ago. 
While the recent Alolan Pokemon (based on the Hawaiian Islands) were certainly a breath of fresh air another place that would spawn an incredible set of Pokemon all of their own is of course Australia! Pixel artist Paul Robertson, best known for his work on the Scott Pilgrim game and his part in the popular series Gravity Falls, has taken the challenge to create a set of completely new Pokemon based entirely about Australia. These are based on not just animals, but also plants, food, places, and even sayings. Buckle your seat belts for this one, kiddos, for there are a whopping 151 to go through!

As always, to find more of Paul’s art, go HERE, and HERE!







Redditor Niboswald has also taken the opportunity to add some context to what the Pokemon are based on for those of you unfamiliar with all things Australian. You can check out those nifty details HERE, or even HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Anime Makeover for SpongeBob

A common past time for bored artists is to give characters makeovers.
Chinese artist XiaozuoZ did just that with characters from the popular cartoon SpongeBob and the results are more beautiful than you’d think! You can find more of XiaozuoZ’s art HERE and HERE!

SpongeBob Squarepants

Patrick Star


Squidward Tentacles

Sandy Cheeks



Pearl Krabs

Larry the Lobster
