Dragon Hoards!

Dragons are known to hoard treasures.
But what if that “treasure” isn’t the gold and precious gems that typically come to mind? Artist IguanaMouth has the answer with these amazing dragon hoard prints that you can even purchase for yourself right HERE!

Moana love!

Moana is Disney’s newest Princess!
A Polynesian beauty as amazing as her deserves some love! You can bet the artists of the internet have delivered! Check out 11 amazing Moana pieces below.

1.) Ross Draws

2.) skadivore



5.) momo-deary

6.) axsens

7.) larienne

8.) dreamerwhit

9.) kawacy

10.) kawacy

11.) imdrunkontea

Webtoon Recommendation: Sidekicks

Title: Sidekicks
By: IRON Shin
Genre: Super Hero, Action

Sometimes people are born with incredible powers. Sometimes they want to use these powers to do good. However, before you can become a Hero you must first become a Sidekick. Lamia fights alongside the hero Darkslug as his sidekick. She has the power to make people fall asleep and thus is appropriately called Dream Girl. A sidekick must follow the orders of the hero for only their hero can approve promotion to the status of Hero. But the life of a sidekick is not easy, especially when you are the sidekick to a hero as questionable as Darkslug.

You don’t often see very many super hero stories from the point of view of the sidekick. Sidekicks makes it a point to show the reader just that; the life and adventures of a hero’s sidekick. Of course not everyone who discovers that they have super powers wants to become a hero. After all, where there are super heros there are bound to be super villains… and the only thing worse than a super villain is a super hero who acts like a super villain.

So why should you read this webtoon? Well the first and most obvious reason is because SUPER POWERS! Seeing the different kind of powers that the characters have and the creative ways they are used in both ‘saving the day’ and everyday life is always entertaining. Honestly, the story might not have been all that interesting to read if it had followed just ANY super hero and sidekick pair. The combination of Darkslug and Dream Girl is what really drives the plot forward and keeps you guessing at the motives of every character introduced.

Interested in reading this series yourself? Check it out HERE!

Lux Cards

League of Legends never fails to find new ways to catch your interest!
Character skins are a great way to keep players coming back for more. What could be better than a brand new shiny skin for your favorite LOL champion? How about TEN new skins in one! The recently released Elementalist Lux skin comes with ten different forms all in one gorgeous package that will cost you a pretty penny to boot. Artist Kyomon, aka SongJiKyo has created an impressive line up of card inspired art for this lovely skin. Check it out!

Like Kyomon‘s work? Be sure to check out more of their work HERE , HERE, and HERE and maybe even support them on Patreon HERE!